Back then it was said, “Everything was better in the old days!” But was it really? Looking back, I still remember my grandmother standing in the kitchen all the time, cooking food. Even in my mother’s time, people still cooked a lot on their own stove. However, when I look around today, I see that far too often and far too many ready-made products are consumed or that the pizza delivery man was once again to be found in the doorway.
I often ask myself, has cooking your own food become the new luxury? In times when we all no longer have time to concentrate on the essentials, everything seems to be getting faster and faster, we often forget that the few things in life are not that much fun. Cooking yourself has so many advantages.
1. Because cooking is simply fun
Especially in today’s fast-moving and stressful time, cooking should help to relax. We rush from appointment to appointment and forget that we just have to switch off to recharge our batteries.
When you cook together with your partner, friends or your own family, joint synergy effects are created. By spending time together and planning to cook, your everyday routine can be much newer and more relaxed. You spend time with your loved ones, you can switch off and forget the daily stress and at the same time cook something delicious together.
Quick recipes to cook yourself
You can find many delicious and healthy recipe ideas here on my blog. Let yourself be inspired and have fun cooking!
2. Cooking stimulates the digestive process
Did you know that your digestion starts when you are already imagining what you are going to eat? The phrase “My mouth is watering.” describes the beginning of digestion quite well.
By cooking for yourself, your senses can play along. The intense smell of the freshly cut herbs or the fried onions, the intense color of the tomato sauce and the aubergine sticks or the taste of the seasoning. All of this gives you and your body the first signals of what is to come. So all your senses can get involved with the food.
3. Cooking yourself is healthy!
I often read, “Cooking at home is so healthy!” Is that really it?
Of course, yes! The Hopkins University study in Baltimore showed that participants who cooked at home several times a week consumed far fewer sugars, fat and calories than participants who ate out regularly or only ate convenience foods.
In fact, it was found that 8% of the participants who only cooked at home once a week consumed a total of approx. 2,301 kcal, 84 g fat and 135 g sugar. On the other hand, 48% of the participants who cooked 6-7 times at home consumed approx. 2,164 kcal, 81 g fat and 119 g sugar.
In general, one can say that cooking yourself is always tied to the time that is available to you. Those who spend more time at home professionally also cook more themselves. Those who work away from home for more than 35 hours a week cook less themselves.

4. Cook a quick meal yourself
You can also quickly prepare a great meal yourself. That’s pretty easy too. On my blog you will find many great recipes that you can quickly and easily prepare yourself. But more on that later.
You don’t need much for a quick meal that’s also tasty and healthy. Stock up on fresh ingredients, like fresh vegetables and fresh herbs. Look in your pantry to see what else it has to offer and think about what you can combine with each other. For example, a great rice or vegetable pan can be prepared in no time at all. Add fresh herbs and you can enjoy it!
5. No additives and chemicals
Do you actually know which ingredients your favorite Italian restaurant uses or which ingredients are in your daily ready meal? Probably not, right?
When you cook for yourself, you can be sure that your food is free from additives and chemicals. You control what goes into your meal and what doesn’t. In the end, you can say you cooked clean, used fresh ingredients, and even made a healthy and delicious meal.
6. Cooking yourself saves time
Cooking yourself and saving time at the same time? That’s fine! Have you ever thought that it can take a few hours to drive to the restaurant, order and have the food delivered?
And yes, there are many dishes that take more time to cook. BUT , there are also numerous delicious and healthy recipes that you can prepare in no time at all. On my blog you will find many such delicious and close dishes. For example the feta melon salad. You prepared it in 15 minutes. Or ingenious oven vegetables . All you have to do is chop the vegetables and the oven will take care of the rest. These tortilla wraps are also super quick to prepare and extremely delicious! Just try it!
7. Cooking will teach you something new!
If you are new to cooking then this is definitely something new for you! You learn a lot and can experiment with the different herbs, spices and cooking time. But not only novice cooks learn something new. No – every time I swing the wooden spoon myself, I learn something new. Be it that the blueberry cake bakes well with top and bottom heat for 50 minutes or that it is better to put aluminum foil over it so that it doesn’t get too brown. It’s definitely the little things, but also the creativity that you can let free rein when cooking. And then we come straight to the next point:
8. Cooking makes you creative
Think about it, you’re cooking a meal for you and your partner tonight. You can look at interesting recipes from the internet and get inspired. Take a recipe that you really like, but try something new out of it. Do something different! It doesn’t matter whether you should prepare the base of the cheesecake with wholemeal flour according to the recipe. Try a biscuit base instead. Skip the sugar and make a date must instead. If you want to cook pasta à la Italia, try mixing some mustard into the sauce. You will be amazed at the new taste possibilities.
So be open and dare something new! And that makes cooking a lot more fun, right?
9. Cooking is socializing
If you cook yourself, it is much easier to network. Why don’t you cook for your roommates in your shared apartment or turn it into a joint cooking event! You will quickly find out that getting to know each other has never been so easy! You could also organize a cooking event for team building in your company. You will be surprised how much fun and how quickly you can network with it.
10. Cooking yourself is environmentally friendly
That will make you ask what cooking yourself should have to do with the environment? Well, quite a lot!
If you cook yourself, you use a lot less energy than if you use frozen food. For example, food from the freezer consumes almost twice as much energy. First they have to be frozen and later cooked again. That eats twice the energy. You can also decide for yourself how much you influence the environment when cooking. Do you buy regional products or rather from overseas? If you buy regional products for cooking, you save long delivery routes and you are not only doing the environment a favor, but also supporting the regional farmers in your area.

FAQ – Why cook yourself?
Cooking yourself offers many reasons why you should swing the cooking spoon yourself. I’ve already mentioned some of these, but let’s dig a little deeper.
Is cooking yourself healthier?
Whether cooking yourself is healthier depends on what you cook and with which ingredients. So what you cook yourself does not necessarily have to be healthy. Nevertheless, you can influence which ingredients go into your food and where they come from.
Fast food or cook yourself?
Even if you’ve had a long day at work, I don’t recommend resorting to fast food. For example, you will find so many great recipes on my blog that you can prepare yourself in no time at all and are also healthy. Fast food makes you tired and sluggish quickly. You can read more about fast food here.
Order food or cook it yourself
It definitely depends on your wallet. Since the Corona crisis, many restaurants have also offered their own delivery service. So you can now have your 3-course menu ordered home from your favorite Italian restaurant. Of course that costs. After a long day at work, this may bring many advantages for one or the other. And having it delivered to your home from time to time is a nice change from everyday life.
Why are fewer and fewer people cooking themselves?
The supply of the food industry is as large as it has been for a long time. On every corner, even in every large department store, there are now several fast food outlets, based on country themes, various coffees with additional snack offers, restaurants and supermarkets with a plethora of ready-made offers. People no longer need to cook for themselves. You can buy the finished product just like that.
Added to this is the always fast-moving lifestyle. Everything has to go faster and faster. You don’t have much time to cook something nice for yourself.
“You learn to cook by copying it… Eventually you develop your own cooking.”
Words by: Jean-François Pièges