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Bulgur Salad

Bulgur Salad

This delicious bulgur salad from Israeli cuisine is an absolute experience! It tastes incredibly good with dates and nuts! Bulgur salad with dates and nuts Israel is teeming with residents...

Gurken Dip

Gurken Dip

Dieser leckere Gurken-Dip kommt direkt aus Israel. Du kannst ihn kinderleicht selber zubereiten. Probiere es daher unbedingt mal aus. Gurken Dip aus Israel Die israelische Küche bietet...



Antipasti - the cold starter from Italy Antipasti is a great cold and delicious appetizer from Italy. You can easily make them yourself. Try it! In Italy , antipasti is often eaten as a...

Protein burgers

Protein burgers

You can prepare these delicious protein burgers very easily and super quickly. A super quick, healthy meal. Have fun trying! Also try the overnight oats recipe. So a healthy and tasty...

Cauliflower Salad

Cauliflower Salad

On this page you will find many delicious salad recipes such as the Feta Melon Salad or the Summer Salad (which I can warmly recommend! - but you should definitely try this cauliflower...

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are on everyone's lips. They are represented everywhere in the media, the recipes for overnight oats. Today I would like to introduce you to a particularly simple and...

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